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The EW Gruppe[edit source]

The EW Gruppe is a company for several outstanding brands and offers a wide range of business areas and services that are specifically tailored to the individual requirements of energy companies. The Group is recognised as a pioneer and trailblazer for energy companies to operate successfully in a rapidly changing energy landscape.

The EW Gruppe's special commitment and dedication is focussed on the development and operation of upcycling power plants on a global scale. It not only acts as a manufacturer and operator, but also focuses on building a worldwide network for sales and licensing. The Group's primary goal is to make a significant contribution to the transformation to a new age of energy generation. It is firmly convinced that its brands, business areas and financial services can make a decisive contribution to creating a sustainable and future-orientated energy supply. A passion for innovation and an unwavering commitment to an improved energy future drive the EW Gruppe's mission.

The EW Gruppe's diverse activities include the construction of power plants with upcycling technology, the production of hydrogen, the management of peak loads, the supply of spare parts, the servicing and maintenance of plants and the granting of site licences. This comprehensive portfolio enables the Group to act as a leading player in the field of sustainable energy generation and utilisation. The EW Gruppe attaches great importance not only to the technological innovation of its power plants, but also to the creation of a global network that makes its expertise and solutions accessible worldwide.

The EW Gruppe thus pursues a holistic and future-oriented strategy that not only aims to convert waste into energy, but also to provide sustainable solutions for a wide range of energy needs in various industries. Through its presence as an umbrella company and its worldwide activities, the EW Gruppe is positioning itself as a driving force for innovation and sustainable development in the global energy landscape.

Future-orientated focus[edit source]

The EW Gruppe's strategic direction is characterised by a comprehensive vision, clear goals and sustainable initiatives that are aligned with the challenges and opportunities in the ever-changing energy landscape. The Group takes a holistic approach that encompasses not only the development and operation of upcycling power plants, but also a wide range of services and business areas aimed at supporting energy companies on their path to sustainable success.

  1. Innovative energy generation with upcycling technology: The EW Gruppe's core expertise lies in the development and operation of upcycling power plants. These plants utilise innovative technologies to generate energy from waste products. The strategy is not only to ensure efficient energy production, but also to contribute to waste reduction and environmental protection.
  2. Global network for distribution and licensing: The EW Gruppe strives to make its expertise available globally. In addition to the construction and operation of power plants, the strategy focuses on building an international network for sales and licensing. This makes it possible to disseminate proven technologies and services worldwide while taking local needs and circumstances into account.
  3. Broad service portfolio: In addition to energy generation, the EW Gruppe focuses on providing a comprehensive portfolio of services. This includes the production of hydrogen, the management of peak loads, the supply of spare parts and the servicing and maintenance of plants. This broad spectrum enables the Group to position itself as a comprehensive partner for energy companies.
  4. Sustainable transformation of the energy landscape: The EW Gruppe's strategic orientation is firmly focussed on making a significant contribution to the transformation of the energy landscape. This includes not only the switch to sustainable energy generation, but also the creation of solutions that address the needs of different sectors and regions.

Holistic environmental responsibility: The EW Gruppe assumes holistic environmental responsibility by focusing not only on clean energy generation, but also on the responsible use of resources and minimising environmental impact. Environmental friendliness is at the centre of the strategy in order to achieve a sustainable and long-term positive impact.

Continuous innovation and research: The EW Gruppe is committed to continuous innovation and research in order to constantly improve its technologies and services. The dynamic nature of the energy landscape requires an adaptable strategy that is strengthened by ongoing developments and investments in research and development.

The strategic orientation of the EW Gruppe is therefore characterised by a comprehensive, sustainable and future-oriented vision. By combining innovative technologies, a global network, a broad range of services and a clear commitment to environmental responsibility, the Group is positioning itself as a pioneer in the energy sector that is proactively responding to the challenges of the future.

Portfolio[edit source]

EW Gruppe's portfolio is diverse and reflects the Group's extensive expertise and commitment to the energy sector. The Group acts as an umbrella company for various outstanding brands and offers a wide range of business areas and services aimed at successfully positioning and supporting energy companies in a rapidly changing energy landscape.

  1. Upcycling power plants: A central component of the EW Gruppe's portfolio is the development, construction and operation of upcycling power plants. These plants utilise innovative technologies to generate sustainable energy from waste products. The focus is not only on efficient energy production, but also on the environmentally friendly disposal of waste.
  1. Hydrogen production: The EW Gruppe is actively involved in hydrogen production, a key component for the future of clean energy. The production of hydrogen as a green fuel is an integral part of the portfolio and contributes to the creation of a sustainable energy infrastructure.
  2. Peak load management: The EW Gruppe offers solutions in the area of peak load management in order to meet energy supply requirements. This includes the efficient management of peak loads in energy demand to ensure a continuous and reliable power supply.
  3. Spare parts supply: As part of its comprehensive range of services, the EW Gruppe ensures that its customers are always supplied with high-quality spare parts. This helps to maximise plant uptime and ensure uninterrupted power generation.
  4. Service and maintenance: The EW Gruppe attaches great importance to first-class service and comprehensive maintenance services for its systems. Regular maintenance and fast, qualified service ensure the optimum performance of the energy infrastructure.
  5. Awarding of site licences: Another cornerstone of the portfolio is the awarding of site licences for the construction and operation of upcycling power plants. This enables the EW Gruppe to disseminate its proven technologies and solutions worldwide and involve local partners in sustainable energy generation.

The EW Gruppe's portfolio is characterised not only by the variety of services it offers, but also by its clear commitment to creating a sustainable and future-oriented energy supply. By combining innovative technologies, comprehensive services and a global presence, the EW Gruppe is positioning itself as a pioneer and trailblazer for a successful transformation in the energy sector.

Philosophy[edit source]

The EW Gruppe's philosophy is deeply rooted in its pursuit of innovation, sustainability and a significant contribution to the energy landscape of the future. The Group views energy not just as a resource, but as the key to shaping a sustainable and efficient future. The core principles that guide the EW Gruppe's philosophy include:

  1. Innovation and technology leadership: The EW Gruppe is committed to promoting innovation and technology leadership. It believes in the transformative power of advanced technologies to shape the energy market and develop sustainable solutions. The continuous search for new approaches and technologies is at the centre of the philosophy to meet the ever-growing challenges in the energy sector.
  2. Sustainability and environmental responsibility: The commitment to sustainability is a fundamental element of the EW Gruppe philosophy. The Group recognises the need to promote environmentally friendly energy production and minimise its impact on the environment. Through the development of upcycling power plants and the production of green hydrogen, the EW Gruppe is committed to sustainable solutions that contribute to an ecologically sound energy supply.
  3. Global reach and collaboration: The EW Gruppe believes in the power of global collaboration and is committed to spreading its solutions worldwide. By granting site licences and building a global network, the Group strives to make its technologies and services available across geographical borders and to promote local partnerships.
  4. Customer focus and partnership: The EW Gruppe's philosophy emphasises the needs of its customers. Customer satisfaction is at the centre of every activity, be it the provision of services, the construction of power plants or the development of customised solutions. The EW Gruppe strives for long-term partnerships and is committed to always offering its customers added value.
  5. Responsibility and ethics: The EW Gruppe always acts in accordance with the highest ethical standards and emphasises its responsibility towards society and stakeholders. The Group recognises that its actions have an impact on the community, the environment and its employees and therefore acts responsibly and ethically.
  6. Continuous improvement: EW Gruppe's philosophy embraces the principle of continuous improvement. The Group endeavours to constantly improve its processes, technologies and services in order to meet the changing requirements of the energy market and offer innovative solutions.

The EW Gruppe's philosophy is reflected in its clear commitment to innovation, sustainability, global engagement and ethical behaviour. These principles form the foundation for the Group's mission to make a decisive contribution to the transformation of the energy industry towards a sustainable future.

Mission[edit source]

EW Gruppe's mission is at the heart of its direction and reflects a passionate endeavour to have a profound and sustainable impact on the energy industry. In contrast to the philosophy, which encompasses fundamental beliefs and values, the mission is more focussed on concrete, action-oriented goals and commitments.

  1. Driving energy transformation: The EW Gruppe's mission focuses on actively driving the transformation of energy production. By introducing upcycling power plants, the Group is focussing on pioneering technologies to not only increase energy efficiency, but also to use resources sustainably.
  2. Global presence and partnerships: The mission extends beyond national borders and strives for a global presence. The EW Gruppe aims to offer its technologies and services worldwide. The focus is on creating international partnerships to enable broader acceptance and utilisation of its innovative approaches.
  3. Customer focus and measurable benefits: The mission emphasises customer orientation, with a focus on creating concrete added value. The EW Gruppe is committed to providing customised solutions and making a measurable positive impact on the energy efficiency of its customers through its technologies.
  4. Innovation leadership in practice: The mission emphasises the Group's innovation leadership, not just as a concept, but in its practical implementation. The EW Gruppe actively invests in research and development to produce industry-leading technologies that have a direct impact on the energy sector.
  5. Ethics and social responsibility in action: The mission includes a strong commitment to ethical behaviour and social responsibility. The EW Gruppe implements these principles not only as a theoretical basis, but also in concrete actions to have a positive impact on society and the environment.
  6. Continuous further development in focus: In contrast to the philosophy, which often encompasses timeless values, the EW Gruppe's mission emphasises the focus on continuous development. The Group is committed to constantly improving its processes, technologies and services to meet the changing demands of the energy landscape.

To summarise, the EW Gruppe's mission is geared towards concrete actions and measurable results. It represents the consistent pursuit of a positive impact on the energy industry through active design, innovation and social responsibility.